Monday, March 30, 2020

Taking One Day At A Time

So my youngest daughter has now become sick started just like mine in nasal issues and sore throat.. and now has dropped to her lungs..

I have been telling her my protocol ..that I did

1000 to 1500 mg of amoxicillin three times a day
100 torsemide taken as 50 mg twice daily
robitussin DM three times a day any expectorant containing cough medicine.. expectorant is the key to this
running a humidifier right up next to me at all times.. preferably in an upright position.. you definitely don't want your lungs to fill up so lying down is definitely not good.. until you get your fluid off your lungs and they start to you can breathe easier..
tessalon pearls helps with over coughing .. which just inflames the condition.. and can cause more inflammation
pushing fluids daily drink drink drink is also the key especially while taking the torsemide or lasix which are diuretics .. and cause you to pee off fluids.. which if your not taking in fluids can cause dehydration..
Benadryl helps with nasal issues and also calms you so you can rest more peacefully
Fluconazole 300 mg daily is a bacterial .. fungal medication.. and can help if the pneumonia has any fungal aspects.. took it in 150mg pills twice daily.. I felt it couldn't hurt.. and from what I could tell it was a good combination along with the amoxicillin..

and telling her to get into a hot bath will also open her up as necessary and relax her especially with the tightening of the lungs..

humidifier must be running 24/7 next to her and she must take these meds religiously..

I know her she will do what she wants.. and probably thinks I am harping but I think that the key to beating this virus is to combat it full on .. otherwise when it becomes a real problem it is too late.. and than it can be deadly..

I can only pray she listens.. after all I have beat it.. and even though I still cough every now and then .. im was up and about within approximately a week.. and really only two or three days of that was hard.. the rest was just mild issues.. but for me this could have definitely been deadly if I hadn't pushed the medications I did...

at least that is how I feel.. and after talking to the medical professionals I have I feel good about my protocol.. I used.. after all treating the symptoms early and combating the virus early is key

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