Saturday, July 14, 2018

Taking One Day At A Time

Wow, how long has it been?  Well it is definitely going to take a while to update you on how my life has changed after all several years have passed.

So take a seat and let me try and narrate the changes in my life and where I am today.

First of all, I couldn't say before but I turned the physician I worked for into the government, officially becoming what many characterize as a (Whistle-blower). There I finally said it.  For many years now I have felt like I was living two lives. 

The normal life.. in which to those that knew me was just as I have always been, living paycheck to paycheck, no relationship to speak of, working in health care, and with what many would call flat affect (showing a reduction of emotional expression).  For years I have described myself as frumpy, living a sedimentary lifestyle, going through the motions so to speak.  It was like the life was being sucked out of me as time passed. 

The hidden life.. I however was leading was brutal, I was keeping the secret that I had indeed turned in the physician I worked for to the government, and the waiting I was having to endure while the government did their investigation was grueling. I admit that at times I felt like I was going insane, like a portion of me was constantly going over the details, praying for patience, sleep and peace.  I wanted so desperately to find a way to quiet my brain, many nights falling asleep reviewing where in the process the investigation might be and how much longer before I would have closure. The easiest way to explain the case is to simply give you the government's URL

The government investigation was in the end approximately 4 years to the day, during which I moved to Tennessee closer to one of my daughters. After all I needed to start my life fresh and I knew that staying in Kentucky might prove to be difficult as I would need to be gainfully employed somewhere.

So I picked up and moved, placing everything I owned in storage and living out of boxes.  I lived with my daughter for the first year while working a couple of part time jobs until I found a full-time health care position for a major corporation. Where as, I was able to settle in to an apartment, and I must admit that it allowed me to finally exhale a bit.  I could now officially start my life fresh and hopefully put the past behind me, (whistle-blower that I was) now I could try to move forward with my life.

So here it is 2018 and back around Christmas time I learned of a settlement deal finally being reached between the government and the physician I had worked for.  I remember that moment, my phone had been on silent and when I finally checked it that afternoon a multitude of messages from my lawyers were left wanting me to contact them immediately.  I went to a conference room and almost passed out when they started telling me.  I remember one of the attorneys asking me if I was okay and understood and telling me more details would come later. I remember I felt weak and upon leaving work I was shaking visibly.  I told my daughter and was stunned, after all it couldn't have come at a better time ( it was Christmas time, it was nearing my birthday) so many thoughts raced through my head the main one being that it meant that I had been vindicated, I had finally received word that it was going to be over.  Thank God, Praise Be.. I remember thinking breathe. just breathe

It didn't matter that the settlement portion I would receive for being a whistle-blower would be after the first of the year, because I knew it was coming, I knew that the ordeal I had been living was almost over, closure was here and I could for lack of other words (BREATHE)

The End .. I will tell you more about where I am now tomorrow because it is getting late..

However I will tell you that my prayers were answered.  I had prayed to God many times to give me patience, to guide me, to bring me peace and I am truly thankful for his blessings.

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