Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Third Week of June and I can't Believe how the Year is Speeding By!

Well it has been a pretty good week at work so far, the doctor is out of town and I've been taking it pretty easy all week. Wow, what a life I have.. Let's see I'm going to try and catch you guys up. First off I want to apologize for never keeping my blog up to date, I really have good intentions on keeping everything up to date but its hard considering my life never stops. I've been freelancing more and more these days and since I was last online I've increased my freelancing income by approximately 200%. Wow, my biggest fear however is that I will get a huge wake up call at the close of the year because I haven't put aside enough money for taxes. I can use this past year as a guide but it will be much more next year I can feel it. I got accepted to do some economic and environmental articles for another site, along with my two main article freelancing positions and my full time nursing career. Can anyone say 80+ hours a week in pay?

My one daughter just had an appendectomy, Joe had a heart stent put in and I'm still struggling with my various conditions. None of which I want or need in my life.

Doc hired another employee, so that means added training and supervision on my plate but overall it hasn't been that bad.

I'm not doing the senior citizen teaching because the senior citizen center never got back with me. I personally think they just didn't want to accommodate anyone coming in to the center new to do anything productive with the seniors. I guess since I wasn't teaching making potholders, they weren't interested.

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