Thursday, August 29, 2013

Taking One Day At A Time

Well today is Thursday and last night Angie came over to help me straighten up some paperwork .. Yippee.. we actually got everything done and it didn't take that long thankfully..

I weighed 19.0 lbs down this morning.. Bummer.. still stuck.. but I have some tentative plans on how to get unstuck... LOL - We will see if they work..

So anyway.. here I sit.. its going to be busy today.. we have several patients and I have a feeling its going to be an extremely long day..  Gabi just text'd me; I told her I'd do her laundry tonight because she has to work.. so that should keep me busy..

On another note I called Germany today.. trying to get some information on the bank account I left open 26 yrs ago.. which according to the bank officials the money should be there with interest.. but I really need help talking to them because with my broken German and their broken English.. lets just say it was a challenging phone conversation to say the least..

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