Thursday, June 6, 2013

Taking One Day At A Time

Today is Thursday and last night it stormed.. I didn't get much sleep actually Pepper was going nuts.. Got to work about 20 til 8 and there was no power in the medical arts bldg.  I had to climb the stairs using my phone as a light source.. get the patients phone numbers and call them to cancel all appointments.. contact the doctor.. turn off the office alarms.. etc etc Then security decided they had to evacuate the bldg because of complaints of a rubber burning smell coming from the elevator shaft..  I went back home and hung out for a couple of hours  until the all clear was given then returned only to be told that 'The power was back on but they weren't allowing patients in the bldg just yet '.. Inspectors had to make sure that the power was going to stay on and the source of the smell had been located.  According to the bldg gossip they had to order a special part for the electrical system and at one point they thought the only place they had found was Nashville.  However it seems eventually they found the part closer and the down time was much better than they first expected..

Today I was still 15 lbs down.. but my headaches wouldn't ease up today.. I was miserable all day long.. I'm going to ask my doctor if my headaches have increased possibly from the HCG withdrawal.. or my B12 injections being discontinued .. I really have no idea but I hope it eases up soon.. because I really miss the energy I had while on the HCG / B12 cocktail..

I walked today but only one block.. I ate some turkey bacon this morning and a piece of pizza for lunch .. Other than that I decided to drink a protein shake for dinner instead of a meal.. total calories for the day have been approximately 600..

I will write more tomorrow.. WML  

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